Yacht charter in Chioggia · Beneteau — Oceanis 40 (2010)

Description of Davide's sailboat
Sailboat Beneteau Oceanis 40 12m
EOS is an Oceanis 40 of the French shipyard Beneteau, it is a standard boat well known and appreciated for its comfort and interior space with marine and safety features classified in class A (without limits). The capacity is 10 people and 8 places bed of which 6 in separate cabins and two bathrooms. The boat has never been chartered and has always been used by the owner, and apart from the "long" navigations that took us to Croatia in August, the use in the remaining months is mainly in the lagoon. Venice, the islands and its lagoon do not need any introduction, and navigating in these places rich in history and traditions is a very special pleasure to be enjoyed calmly. Boarding can also take place on Friday evening after dinner in Chioggia-Sottomarina at the tourist port of San Felice, and if you feel like it, you can visit the lively Chioggia or rest. Saturday morning we leave for Venice, breakfast is served on board, and the choice is yours, a sail in total relax in the lagoon or a sail in the sea with the possibility of a dip. For lunch, depending on your choice, you can stop in some restaurant or eat while navigating. The arrival in Venice is scheduled for the late afternoon, and here you will disembark in a unique city, to live as you prefer, in long dress and high heels or in slippers and tracksuit, in any case will win you over. Lose yourself in its narrow streets outside the tourist circuits or walks in Piazza San Marco, let yourself be involved by these stones steeped in history and I assure you, you will never forget this experience. I will wait for you in the boat at any hour with a good iced prosecco or a hot coffee. In order to allow maximum comfort and relaxation, only the two comfortable double rear cabins are available to welcome you to spend the night. As you will have understood, the offer is a very special WEEKEND, where sailing, history, flavours, navigation in an enchanted place will be a mix that you will not easily forget. The rates include the costs of the docks (in Venice are very expensive!) And diesel fuel, the pantry is not included, but you can cook on board. For any request, variant or doubt on what I wrote send me a message and we will leave together. David
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Davide
Overall rating
1 comment

Boat in excellent condition, very clean, comfortable and spacious. Commander with great professionalism, competence and passion. Profound connoisseur of the Venetian lagoon and of excellent company. Professional crew is always very available even with children. Beautiful experience, to be repeated!

Offered by Davide
Sono nato a Venezia il 2 ottobre 1960, la laguna veneta è sempre stato il mio mondo. Inizio a navigare a 13 anni e tra vari esperienze in deriva, gommone e imbarcazioni non ho mai smesso, navigo per passione. Ho fatto diverse regate nell'alto Adriatico e ovviamente molte volte la Barcolana. Da qualche anno mi dedico alla navigazione d'altura in Croazia, sempre con la mia famiglia spesso con ospiti. Naturalmente la laguna veneta resta l'ambiente che più conosco e mi piace, e dopo molti anni riesce ancora a stupirmi ed incantarmi. Ora la nuova barca EOS, un Beneteau Oceanis 40 a pescaggio ridotto, mi consente di provare a regalare le stesse mie emozioni ad altre persone. Guarda le foto e pensa di sorseggiare un prosecco ghiacciato nel silenzio di un tramonto veneziano....... La barca viene offerta per le due cabine matrimoniali di poppa e perciò per 4 posti letto, mentre la cabina di prua rimane a disposizione del comandante e dell'eventuale equipaggio. Questo per offrire un week end in relax e indimenticabile. Arrivate a Chioggia il venerdì sera e vi imbarcate, sabato mattina si parte con qualsiasi tempo, la laguna è bella per questo, si naviga a vela dove possibile, e si "passeggia" fino arrivare a Venezia dove domenica si pernotta in una delle tre darsene disponibili domenica dopo pranzo si riparte alla volta di Chioggia.
Location of the sailboat: Porto San Felice, Chioggia