boat hire in Utrecht · Pieterman — 860 (2019)

Description of Henk's motorboat
Motorboat Pieterman 860 42hp
At Groot Sloepverhuur in Maarssen you can enjoy a carefree sloop trip. You rent a spacious sloop of over 8.60 meters, including skipper Henk de Groot, so that everyone can fully enjoy the beautiful landscape along the Vecht. You don't have to worry about routes and mooring, because the skipper takes all responsibility. The sloop can accommodate a maximum of 12 -14 people and ensures comfortable seating for everyone. Whether you want to enjoy the Vecht, the canals of Utrecht or the Loosdrecht lakes, there are countless options for beautiful trips. You can provide snacks and drinks yourself, but it is also possible to have this taken care of by Groot Sloepverhuur. If you prefer to mingle with the other people on board, that is of course also possible. So sit back and enjoy a boat tour on the beautiful Vecht. THE PIETERMAN SLOEP CAN BE USED FOR: ☼ Weddings ☼ Bachelor party ☼ Relationship day ☼ Family or friends outing ☼ Friends day ☼ Single Booking ☼ Company outing ☼ Team outing ☼ Birthday ☼ Friday afternoon drinks ☼ Trainings ☼ Meetings ☼ lunch ┼ Ash scattering NOTHING IS MORE PEACEFUL THAN RENT A SLOOP AND SAIL WITH YOUR PERSONAL CAPTAIN.
Equipment available on the motorboat
Services provided by Henk

Offered by Henk
Ik ben op het water geboren en opgegroeid. Varen is mijn passie en vind het leuk via deze weg mijn ervaring te delen. We hebben een website waar al onze ervaringen en diensten op vermeld staan. Waaronder vaarlessen. Voor meer informatie kan je mij E-mailen naar
Location of the motorboat: Maarssen, Utrecht
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