boat hire in Milazzo · Elan — Elan 43 (1988)

Description of Michele's sailboat
Sailboat Elan Elan 43 13m
Louise is an Elan 43 from 1988 that I have been restoring for 4 years, technically almost everything is new, what the charterers do not see, engine, pumps, fridge, etc., on the deck is new synthetic teak, the paints are to be picked up again. I have 4 cabins and two bathrooms, for 8 beds, but I want a maximum of 4 people, in order to better manage the spaces. I am delighted to sail and show what I know if anyone is willing to learn. At the same time, the boat is helped by Molino Crisafulli, Trinacria Hemp and Maeko Tessuti, for those who wish there is the opportunity to taste products in food hemp, cosmetics and fabrics.
Equipment available on the sailboat
Services provided by Michele
Overall rating
Mikele was great at communicating prior to booking and made our whole day a terrific experience. Extremely seasoned and courteous sailor, terrific cook and overall excellent host. Fluent in English, Italian and several other languages. Using hemp fabrics on board for eco and anti bacterial properties. If you get the chance to sail with Mikele we would HIGHLY recommend.

Lynette and her friends came on board with a positive and joyful attitude, and respectful to the yacht. I enjoyed the moments we shared and the sailing too. A funny day has a big value!! Thankfully Mikele
Michele's professionalism and experience at sea made the difference even when we were hit by rough seas. The boat, although dated, has equipment that makes it safe and performing. Recommended for everyone, even families with children

Offered by Michele
Ho 54anni, lavorando nella nautica negli ultimi 20 circa. 120.000 nm percorse in tutti gli oceani e mediterraneo. Marinaio professionista, lavorato su barche da 15 metri a goletta in legno di 30 metri, passando per barche in carbonio da 20 a 25 metri. 2012-2015. (Dì cui) 75000 miglia su Maserati volvo 70 dì G. Soldini. Record: Nyc- San Francisco; Cape Town - Rio de Janeiro. 2015 - 2017 Comandante Swan 70 Disponibile ora in Sicilia. Da inizio Luglio alle Eolie. Sono un appassionato fotografo, e mi piace molto cucinare, infatti questo è un punto dì forza che offro a chi viene in barca con me: la mia cucina.
Location of the sailboat: Ancora, Milazzo